The Power of Humility

Humility is a necessary component in all D/s relationships. Contrary to popular belief, it may be even MORE important that the Dom(me) maintains a humble spirit. Any person in a position of power needs a healthy relationship with humility to remain balanced and grounded. As a Domme, humility is one of the virtues I look …

Recognize Your Worth

It is crucial for you, as a sub and devotee, to understand your worthiness in serving me. For it is through this understanding that you can fully embrace your role and purpose. When you recognize your own worth, you will approach your service with confidence, dedication, and a deep sense of purpose. You innerstand that …

Sexual Desire as Fuel

Use your cravings as a way to nourish and enjoy your connection with Goddess– not the itch to be scratched by her. It is essential to shift your perspective. Instead of solely focusing on the fulfillment of your desires, consider how they can be channeled towards the greater purpose of serving and honoring the Goddess. …

Not Your Typical Domme

I gave up trying to make everyone happy a long time ago.We all have quirks that some people will adore and worship, while others may turn their noses up and grit their teeth over the same thing. One of the many reasons I love the kink world is that it clearly highlights the fact that …

The Findom Push and Pull

For the longest time, I was totally turned-off by findom. Mostly due to the fact that it has a general overtone of “pathetic” subs who give more than they can afford to. …And then regret it later… I didn’t want any sour energy connected to the tributes I received, so I pushed the term “findom” …