For the longest time, I was totally turned-off by findom. Mostly due to the fact that it has a general overtone of “pathetic” subs who give more than they can afford to. …And then regret it later…
I didn’t want any sour energy connected to the tributes I received, so I pushed the term “findom” far far away. And literally refused to take money from people if I wouldn’t enjoy where it was “given” from.
Men… when you give FROM THE HEART, there is a feeling and a resonance associated with what you are gifting. It is suddenly that much more meaningful and precious. You can practice with tributes and financial gifts, but don’t let it stop there. I want to see you gifting your time, energy, and presence with your full heart. In the same way you make your weekly offerings to me– with love, devotion and a rich appreciation.
When you give in this way, you begin to realize that gifts from the heart always replenish and return to you tenfold. Findom is not a means of bleeding you dry, contrary to what many scamdoms may lead you to believe. But rather, it provides you with the opportunity to learn how to regenerate your abundance and enjoy the ways it branches out and touches the lives of others (your Domme and her community included.)
– Creatrix